Preston + Kelsie // Engagement Session

November 02, 2021

I had a blast with Preston and Kelsie over in the Mercardo District and out in the desert for their spring engagement session. They had me laughing the whole time and I am so excited for their December wedding! I love hearing how my couples met and got engaged. This one is totally them! 

We met back in the fall of 2017 and not even a week into our relationship I randomly invited Preston to a hockey game with my friends for my birthday not knowing he coaches/plays/loves hockey. He joins us, I socialize the entire time. Basically a good descriptor of our relationship, Kelsie chatting and entertaining the crowd while Preston does all of the activities and loves Kelsie unconditionally.

We got engaged in Sedona in January 2021. We were out for breakfast at the airport restaurant watching airplanes land. What a surprise!! Preston was searching hikes to do and found one with an amazing view. We went back to change and got ready to hike and while driving to the hike Kelsie was reading directions. Preston said, "No no that's not what I thought you'd do, just put it in your phone." The phone didn't give the location so we guessed. Well at the end of directions on all trail it says "Parking on the right, trailhead on the left." We missed that! We parked on right, saw people hiking up the right trailhead, so of course we followed! We got to the top and it was a mesa. We realized we were totally off. Kelsie wanted to punt and go for a beer and a burger. Turns out three hours of hiking is long enough for her. Preston convinced her to keep going. Two hours into the next hike, Kelsie was ready to put her feet up. We ran into another couple, who informed us we weren't even halfway and there was two feet of snow at the top. Preston agreed to pull off the trail for the beers we brought. In the most beautiful desolate area, Preston popped the question! Very memorable trip, for sure!



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